ecovillage economics programme stream

Death Economy vs. Life Economy

Why is a dead tree worth more money than a live tree? Explore why most “new economy” ideas fail and how to think about an design a life-supporting economy.


Grace Rachmany, expert in new economic models and blockchain governance, serves on SingularityNet DAO’s Supervisory Council. She offers workshops and consulting for DAOs through DAO Leadership and The Design School for Regenerating the Earth.

Building a local food community: from commodities to commons and solidarity economy

The right to good quality, healthy, locally grown food is in our hands, with solidarity economy practices (from CSAs to Food coops and different forms of cooperative initiatives). Get inspired by transformative local food policies and ecosystems which build community. What can the ecovillages share from their practices?


Jason Nardi is the General delegate of RIPESS-Solidarity Economy Europe, an activist for social and economical rights and a trainer on community building, mutualistic finance. A nature and wilderness lover, he plays the clarinet and is an acroyoga instructor.

Monika Onyszkiewicz is the co-creator of the Polish Foundation for Sustainable Development, an ecofeminist, fairtrade and food system activist. She coordinates grassroots movements of residents and local producers for the creation of Community Supported Agriculture groups.

GEN Europe Fund - Empowering new communities through financial support

Come learn about solidarity financing for new ecovillages and our plans for creating a Europe-wide economic support system for more communities to emerge


Johannes Kübel is the initiator of Lightwave & GEN Europe Fund. He seeks ways to connect existing structures to build greater flow of money and food, aiming to contribute to the regeneration of the Earth.

Anna Kovasna is the cofounder and lead of GEN International’s work on community resilience to polycrisis, and of Kincentric Leadership, supporting leaders to integrate the more-than human-world in their strategies and activities.

Making money sacred: an intimate & systemic dialog to recall the inner abundance

You’re invited to: question capitalist, neoliberal, scarcity beliefs; ground yourself on alternative & life-driven economics; celebrate people’s valuable gifts and talents, towards thriving communities. Note: this is NOT a financial education workshop.


Vanessa Moutinho is a Brazilian artist, impact entrepreneur & mentor to women. Founder of Hólos & Fértil, cofounder of ColaborAmerica Festival, she facilitates rites of passage, so as to step into the future remembering where we came from.