CLIPS workshop incubating ecovillage projects

CLIPS has been a 4 years long partnership to incubate project, ecovillages and support them to accomplish their goals and objectives. It has developed also a board game for communities and has developed an Academy in Italy. CLIPS is a GEN Europe tool to open the door for people to understand what does it mean live in community and how to create one. Don’t miss it!


Riccardo Clemente is former president of the Italian ecovillage network and GEN Europe board member. CLIPS facilitator, trainer, music producer, and designer with a passion for theatre and cabaret. Expert in collaborative games, lives in Popolo degli Elfi, Tuscany since 2010.

Camilla Nielsen-Englyst, from Hallingelille Ecovillage, Denmark, specializes in organizational work and educational design. Camilla has previously served on the GEN Europe Council and the GEN board, enhancing the movement with her expertise.

Monique Wijn is a biologist, permaculture teacher and food forest designer. She developed food forests in different ecovillages around Europe.

Introduction To Sociocracy

Learn about the values, principles and processes of sociocracy that make it a humanistic governance system we can grow with and love. Beginner.


Zahra Lightway M.Ed. is an international speaker on education, vision catalyst for the NeighbourGood eco-village initiative, trainer in sociocracy and consultant/advisor with GEN International.


Align the matter with the Dream - “Les-Pas-Sages” model

Les-Pas-Sages enabled the set up of more than 40 ecovillages mainly in France and now over Europe, thanks to their innovative legal, financial and governance approach that empowers people.


Vincent Rueda is a former engineer in industry, now a hypnotherapist and works at the Pas-Sages to co-construct another way of linking human societies together. Since 2020,  he has been at the initiative of the 1st cohousing project based on the Pas-Sages model in Portugal.

Sandra Bedigis is a Haptonomic Doula and participant in Portugal’s Pas-Sages cohousing project. She aims to promote a collective, resilient lifestyle as an alternative to societal individualism and isolation.

Making impact evaluation truly valuable

Learn to use storytelling to capture the essence of community-led initiatives, focusing on 3 dimensions of impact: depth, width, and length. Engage in sharing and dissecting impact stories of real transformations, understanding the multifaceted nature of impact. Leave equipped with practical insights on how storytelling can be used to enhance community initiatives’ influence and improve their strategies for sustainable change.


Tim Strasser works with ECOLISE and Transition Network on monitoring, evaluation and learning to strengthen the evidence base on community-led initiatives and support adaptive strategic decision making and organizational evolution.

Laura Kaestele works as a network weaver, designer, grower, project manager, and facilitator for regenerative, community development as part of ECOLISE, permaculture and ecovillage networks since 2009.