Are ecovillages free from gender discrimination and sexism ? How does gender equality and women’s rights can apply in collectives?
This sharing circle is a proposition for people living in ecovillages to come together and share experiences regarding the place of women in collectives…
Ameline Bosson is a doula, feminist and sharing circle facilitator in France since 2018, She had been living in the ecovillage ; Oasis des Tisserands in France since 2022.
A somatic, imaginal process to re-write your story. Alter the initial imprints of life, change habitual neuropathways, nervous system responses & create new reference points of connection. Movement, meditation, intuition and imagination are our tools.
Nicole Moore is a senior facilitator of Birth Into Being (BiB), hosts international workshops and trainings. As a healing practitioner and speaker, she explores the impact of birth and early life experiences on human development and potential.
You will learn practical methods to deal with difficult emotions, stress, resistance to change, and to transform patterns in your life. The tools can be used over and over again. It is your decisions that determine how life-changing the session will be for you. You will be led on an inner journey of discovery, which connects you with your heart as well as the programs that stops you from living a full life.
Kristiane Ravn Frost has developed the Aima methods for personal transformation and spiritual growth. She teaches Aima coaching, personal and spiritual development, health, food and lifestyle, cooking, sociocracy and economy at Avnø Højskole. She is one of the founders of Avnø Oasis Ecovillage, a Gaia Education trainer, the main facilitator of the Aima Coach certification program and the Holistic Health Activator program and one of the main facilitators of the 12 week Ecovillage Design Education, Health, Happiness and Green Living.
A next-generation interactive consciousness-evolution practice-container. Synthesizing meditation, authentic relating, healing and shadow work, and the collective intelligence of group dynamics we explore the group forming as a cohered organism in deep multi-dimensional alignment, and we welcome the mystery and unknown of non-mental intelligences to inform and move us in service of our individual and collective well-being, wholeness, and vitality.
A cosmic play-space where we allow the unknown, the non-mental, and universal intelligence to inspire and move us as an attuned and aligned organism.
Bansi Buckley has been studying the healing arts and consciousness transformation for over 30 years. He founded The Field of Awakening in 2014 as a way to synthesize the best of all his favorite practices, without the limitations of each. His first book will be published soon (perhaps before this event) — Evolving Human Consciousness: An Experiential Handbook for Personal and Collective Development. He has a lifelong passion for developing conscious community. He is also a musician and avid board gamer.