social justice programme stream

Trauma and community

The underlying cause for many conflicts in communities is the trauma people are carrying with them. In the same time community can help solve trauma in a big way. This workshop will look into trauma and some of the reasons for development trauma and offer practical experiences on how community can be an important trigger-support for it’s integration.


Macaco Tamerice (Martina Grosse Burlage) is a sociologist, a life coach for meaningful relationships specialized in trauma work, inner transformation, community-building, leadership and conflict resolution. She has been living at Damanhur, Federation of Communities since 1993, where she has held many roles of social and artistic responsibility, not last being at the Guide of the Federation. In 2008, she also became Vice President and then President of the Global Ecovillage Network-Europe (GEN Europe) until 2015. She is now one of GEN’s UN representatives and the President of the NGO Damanhur Education.


Returning home: a brave space to acknowledge privileges - and hack racial, gender, social constructs​

What does it take to feel as one? And what doesn’t? We invite you to embrace your authenticity and identity. To empower yourself to name & address issues of our times. Courageously. Together. Towards love, justice and prosperity for all.


Vanessa Moutinho is a Brazilian artist, impact entrepreneur & mentor to women. Founder of Hólos & Fértil, cofounder of ColaborAmerica Festival, she facilitates rites of passage, so as to step into the future remembering where we came from.

Stanley Nyoni is a reiki master, leadership & sustainability advisor. He facilitates brave spaces connecting science and spirituality, to deepen relationships in work spaces. He’s worked with banks, the UN & govs. in Europe, Africa, Asia & the USA.

To Declutter our Colonial Minds

We will take 7 Steps Backwards to rethink, challenge the ways we think and relate; and 7 Steps awkward, because who says forward is the right way? Playfully engage and deeply share.


Leon Herweg is unlearning and yearning for other ways; ambitious to weave narratives anew and eager to let captialist modernity fall through. Facilitator and wannabe Storyteller.


Introduction to Decolonisation

We’d like to invite all humans to wonder how we can begin to question and interrupt how all of us are complicit in reproducing patterns of violence and oppression through tools provided by the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective. The workshop we propose is a experimental space, based on poetry written by the GTDF collective. We will try to sit with the emotions that will inevitably arise when we try to face the discomforts of having our deep social patterning called out by Native American Elders, while acknowledging that living beyond „normal society” does not absolve us of facing the ways we take part and benefit from colonialism.


Łukasz Woźniak is a poet, social activist, art maker and spaceholder, who explores social transformation through post-activism, inner work, ecovillage movement, and art. His guiding themes are beauty, sacredness, mystery and reconnection with the Earth.

Laura Schock is a musician of 16 years, a performance artist looking beyond „performance” and „artist”, a companion of children, lover of life and death. Her ancestors were farmers and colonizers. The land she comes from is now all covered with concrete and you can’t hear our songs anymore. For now, her mission is owning up to her shadows and taking responsibility, so she can show up to the work that the Earth needs her to do. She dreams of creating community spaces where we can do this together.